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Child Abuse: (866) 820-5437


Food Stamp Hotline (shelter, clothing and food): (888) 706-1535


Healthy Montana Kids (HMK) Hotline: (877) 543-7669


Medicaid Prior Authoriazation Hotline: (800) 262-1545


Montana Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 

Call 24/7, at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)


National Alliance on Mental Illnesses (NAMI) Helpline: (800) 950-6264


Neurofeedback Information:

Saves, Inc. is a domestic violence service near Lewistown, MT providing help for people dealing with domestic abuse. Call 406-535-2303.


WIC Hotline: (800) 433-4298

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